Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Old windows turned Art

Yet again, I can't afford a nice painting, especially the size I wanted. The wall behind my couch is fairly large and completely plain. I love the vintage look of windows as art, so I went on a mission to find two matching ones. Let me tell you, finding two matching size windows at a yard sale or antique store is harder than it seems. But I finally managed to find them at a huge antique store right in the city!

After a little southern charm flirting, I managed to get them a lot cheaper than they asked. They were asking 40 for both, so I immediatly wanted to walk. But I had finally found two of the same size!!! After bargaining, which I hate to do, for a good 20 minutes I managed to walk away with both for 20. Still a splurge for me, but they were just too perfect!

They were plain white which I didn't particularly care for but wanted to keep the antique look of them. So instead of sanding them down, I went ahead and just painted over the white with some paint I had. Using a bristle brush, it doesn't fully get into the grooves/cracks of original windows, exactly what I wanted. I sanded down the edges a bit to keep the look. Once dry, simply hang on a picture hook.

I am thinking about transferring some photographs I have taken onto several panes. Still can't decide which photos though.....

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